Sunday, February 16, 2020

Announced Firm Negotiation Position Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Announced Firm Negotiation Position - Essay Example Sometimes, including the product price or service fee in the company portfolio listing may not be advantageous at all. In this case, the company’s weak side may be exposed to the buyer and may give a certain impression that may actually affect the buyer’s interest to the deal. To avoid such, both the buyer and the seller should research well not only on the current market but the social factors which affect the negotiation process. For the seller, it is important to know the type of buyers to be able to adjust strategies during the negotiation process before announcing any negotiation position. More often than not, negotiation can actually be flexible for both parties. Metz reported that â€Å"the seller can bend to the time constraints and resource limitations of a particular buyer.† There are a handful of reasons a buyer would be highly interested to the offered deal. It can be his desire to the product’s innovative technology, or his interest in the company’s market position, or his confidence to the seller’s customer base. Negotiation can be absolutely strategic if there is a diversity of buyers that range from a number of large firms to a few small buyers. The seller’s problem lies in the situation where there is only one or no buyer. This case may be used by the buyer to his advantage if he is the only buyer in the negotiation. During the negotiation process, defining your official standpoint or stance is of prime importance important before finally entering the process itself. This negotiation position, regardless you are the seller or the buyer, should be strongly defended by the negotiator during the negotiation process. Practically, the main reason why many people can’t find a good agreement is that each has taken of his own announced position. Your negotiation position is determined by the interests in the

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