Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Management(importance of planning, organizational design challenges, Assignment

Management(importance of planning, organizational design challenges, henry ford-mass production) - Assignment Example As Thompson and Frank (129-130) point out, resource planning is compulsory for any organization that aims at surviving in the contemporary business environment. In any business system, organizational resources are scarce and proper planning is necessary to optimize their output. The management has role to plan on the allocation of the human and financial resources in the most convenient manner to maximize the output. To accomplish the stated objectives, planning will be necessary to guarantee that these objectives materialize. In the absence of planning, the organization will fail to achieve its goals, which is part of business failure. Hornby is one of the organizations that embarked on effective business planning to survive in the competitive toy industry (Thompson and Frank 140). The organization suffered from the forces of competition in the market until when it engaged in proper strategic planning. The organization set its goals, and planned on how to use its limited resources to attain its laid goals. Optimal utilization of resources and work planning ensured its survival. In this light, effective planning is a necessary competence for any organization. In the contemporary business environment, business design is the process of configuring structures, processes, systems and people practices in such a manner that all business strategies are accomplished. The process of business design is complex and managers should prepare to face challenges as they develop their strategic plan within the organizations. The changes evident in today’s business structures poses new challenges to the management team while implementing their design decisions. One of the challenges that face organization managers while conducting business design is complexity of organizational roles. In the organizations role, the managers aim at matching the employee with their most

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