Saturday, November 30, 2019

William Faulkner Is Viewed By Many As Americas Greatest Writer Of Pros

William Faulkner is viewed by many as America's greatest writer of prose fiction. He was born in New Albany, Mississippi, where he lived a life filled with good times as well as bad. However, despite bad times he would become known as a poet, a short story writer, and finally one of the greatest contemporary novelists of his time. William Faulkner's accomplishments resulted not only from his love and devotion to writing, but also from family, friends, and certain uncontrollable events. William Faulkner's life is an astonishing accomplishment; however, it is crucial to explore his life prior to his fixated writing career (Mack 1794-1798). In 1905, Faulkner entered the first grade at the tender age of eight, and immediately showed signs of talent. He not only drew an explicitly detailed drawing of a locomotive, but he soon became an honor-roll student. Throughout his early education, he would work conscientiously at reading, spelling, writing, and arithmetic. However, he especially enj oyed drawing. When Faulkner got promoted to the third grade, skipping the second grade, he was asked by his teacher what he wanted to be when he grew up. He replied, "I want to be a writer just like my great granddaddy"(Minter 18). Faulkner took interest in poetry around 1910, but no one in Oxford, Mississippi, could tell him hat to do with his poems. Faulkner, who was very talkative, would always entertain Estelle Oldham by telling her vividly imaginary stories. Eventually, Faulkner grew very fond of Estelle. She became the sole inspirer and recipient of Faulkner's earlier poems. Not long after Faulkner began seeing Estelle regularly, he met a man named Phil Stone who was dating one of Estelle's friends, Katrina. Katrina had told Stone about Faulkner and his poetry. So one afternoon, Stone went to Faulkner's house to get to know him better, and during his visit he received several written verses from Faulkner's poetry. Stone not only became a very close friend of Faulkner's, but al so a mentor to the young writer at the beginning of his career. Stone immediately gave the potential poet encouragement, advice, and models for his study of literature (Minter 29). As Faulkner grew older he began to lose interest in his schoolwork and turned his attention to athletics, such as football and baseball, which caused his grades to start to fall. Eventually, he quit both athletics and school altogether. In 1919, his first literary work was acknowledged and published. The poem is a forty-line verse with a French title that acknowledges the influence of the French Symbolists. "From Mallarme he took the title of his first published poem; from Verlaine's 'Le Faune' he took the central device of The Marble Faun"(Minter 36). "The Marble Faun brings Pastoral art and modern aestheticism into a conjunction that not only exposes the weaknesses of pastoral poetry, particularly its artificiality, but also establishes the pertinence of those weaknesses to our understanding of modern a estheticism"(Minter 36). Faulkner enrolled at the University of Mississippi, and did not let his academic years distract him from writing more poems. The Mississippian, the student paper, published "Landing in Luck." The short story, nine pages in length were created directly from his direct experience in the Royal Air Force flight training in 1916. After awhile he began to get tired of school once again. He started cutting classes and finally stopped going. In the summer of 1921, Faulkner decided to take a trip to New York to receive some professional instruction from editors and critics, because Stone was busy with his academic studies. Faulkner stayed in New York and shared an incredibly small apartment with a man named Stark Young (Minter 35-40). During Faulkner's stay in New York, Stone became worried about him and his financial troubles. So Stone immediately went to work on behalf of his friend and became the Assistant District Attorney. "Within a few months, his restlessness had taken him back to Oxford and the most improbable job he would ever hold"(Minter 42). Stone pulled some strings and got Faulkner appointed to the job of postmaster at the university post office. Even as postmaster, Faulkner still found time to write. When Faulkner finished the typescript for Soldier's Pay, he it sent to

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Essay on Gen Xers values impact the leadership process at work

Essay on Gen Xers values impact the leadership process at work Essay on Gen Xers values impact the leadership process at work Essay on Gen Xers values impact the leadership process at workGen Xers have the system of values based on the ideals of the respect to human rights, the struggle against corruption, abuse, discrimination, injustice and protection of human dignity and individual freedom. On the other hand, Gen Xers are looking for stability, which they want to achieve by means of the respect of human dignity and human rights and creation of fair conditions for all employees and managers to prevent corruption or discrimination (Madsen Shafritz, 2010). The leadership process at work is apparently vulnerable to the impact of basic values of Gen Xers, who still comprise a large share of the total labor force in the labor market of the US as well as other countries.The respect to human rights and human dignity determines the focus of Gen Xers leadership process on the creation of fair and equal conditions for all that implies the elimination of glass ceilings and other barriers that may arise on the way o f individuals to the leadership (Hesselbein, Goldsmith, Beckhard, 2007). Gen Xers stand for the elimination of prejudiced attitude to the leadership and leaders. Instead, they stand for equal rights and opportunities for individuals to exercise their leadership skills and abilities. For example, the elimination of glass ceiling became possible, to a significant extent, due to Gen Xers, who stand for the right of women to get access to top positions in organizations.Therefore, leaders should also take into consideration the system of values of Gen Xers and develop respective policies that can help them to gain the support o fthier subordinates. In this regard, the development of transparent, democratic policies is the best strategy for the leader heading the team or organization consisting of Gen Xers mainly because such open and transparent environment matches expectations of Gen Xers to respect human rights and create fair conditions for all employees.At the same time, Gen Xers lo ok for stability and the leadership is also a part of their pursuit of stability in their life and work. In fact, the focus of Gen Xers on stability has a dubious effect on the leadership (Brown, 2003). On the one hand, they often tend to stick to their leaders, who have once brought them to success that make their leaders confident in their support. As a result, leaders can always rely on their subordinates as long as they are capable to match their system of values. On the other hand, such a strong inclination to stability among Gen Xers can lead to negative effects in the leadership and the organizational development (Dessler, 2004). Leaders, if they stand in power for a long time, can start losing their motivation and fail to catch up with the rapidly changing business environment but the support of their subordinates helps them to stay at the leading position. In such a situation, organizations may face the problem of the widening gap between the rigidness of the leadership and its inability to confront new challenges and make a breakthrough in the organizational development, on the one hand, and the urgent need of changes and new leadership, on the other, because Gen Xers are more likely to support the leader, whom they are accustomed to and confident in and, who, as they believe, can bring stability to their organization.Thus, leaders should match basic values of Gen Xers to lead them successfully.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Learning About Seahorses

Learning About Seahorses A seahorse isnt a horse at all, but an extremely unique fish. It is named for its  head, which resembles that of a very tiny horse. From its horse-like head, the seahorses body tapers down to a long prehensile tail. Prehensile is a fancy word that means used for grasping. Monkeys also have prehensile tails. Seahorses use their tails for grasping underwater plants to anchor themselves in place. They hold onto coral and seagrasses and camouflage themselves by changing color to hide from predators. Seahorses dont have many predators, but some crabs and fish will prey on them.   Seahorses  also like to hold onto one anothers tails while they swim in pairs. There are many different types of seahorses and all are unique in many ways. For one, although they are fish, they dont have scales. Instead, they have skin. A seahorses skin covers a series of bony plates that run from its head to its tail- including its neck, a body part that other fish dont have. One thing seahorses do have in common with other fish is that they breathe through gills. They also have swim bladders like other fish.  Very slow swimmers, seahorses move about through the water with three small fins. They swim upright, using their fins to propel them forward through the water and their swim bladders to move them up and down. Another surprising fact about seahorses is that the male carries the babies. The female lays the eggs in a pouch, sort of like that of a kangaroo,  in the males stomach. He then carries the eggs until they hatch, usually two to four weeks later. Many people think that these tiny fish mate for life, but facts about seahorses dont seem to bear that out. Seahorses eat plankton, shrimp, and small fish. However, seahorses dont have stomachs! Food passes right through their bodies. That means they must eat almost constantly. Luckily for these tiny fish, they are good hunters. They hold on to coral and seagrass with their tails  and suck food into their mouths with their long snouts. They can slurp up food from over an inch away. Reading About Seahorses Books are a fun way to learn about any topic, including seahorses. Mix fiction and non-fiction to engage young learners. Try these titles: Mister Seahorse by Eric Carle  is a fun and educational story about how male seahorses are the caretakers of their eggs. Find out which other fish fathers have the same responsibility. Seahorses by Jennifer Keats Curtis is a beautifully-illustrated, non-fiction book about the life of a seahorse from the moment hes born- along with 300 brothers and sisters! One Lonely Seahorse by Joost Elffers will draw in your preschool students with its counting story that begins with one lonely seahorse. Amazing Pictures and Facts about Seahorses by Mina Kelly will answer your students questions about seahorses. How do they breathe underwater? Why do seahorses curl their tails?   Seahorse Reef: A Story of the South Pacific by Sally Walker is a delightful, educational story whose facts about seahorses have been reviewed by the Smithsonian Institute for accuracy. This is a must-have for your seahorse study. Seahorses: A Life-Size Guide to Every Species by Sara Lourie will prove an invaluable resource to older students. It features photos and facts about 57 different species of seahorses. Other Resources for Learning About Seahorses Look for other engaging opportunities to learn about seahorses. Try some of these ideas: Use free seahorse printables to learn the vocabulary associated with and facts about these fascinating fish. The printable set includes activities such as word search and crossword puzzles, vocabulary sheets, and coloring pages.Visit an aquarium. If you live near an aquarium, call to see if they offer a seahorse exhibit. Its so much fun to observe seahorses in person!Visit a store that sells fish. You can keep seahorses as pets, so some fish and pet stores will have some that you can see in person.Watch videos and documentaries. Check sources such as your local library, YouTube, Netflix, or Amazon video for films about seahorses.Make a diorama depicting seahorses in their underwater habitat.Make seahorse crafts. Seahorses are fascinating fish! Have fun learning about them. Updated by Kris Bales

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Management(importance of planning, organizational design challenges, Assignment

Management(importance of planning, organizational design challenges, henry ford-mass production) - Assignment Example As Thompson and Frank (129-130) point out, resource planning is compulsory for any organization that aims at surviving in the contemporary business environment. In any business system, organizational resources are scarce and proper planning is necessary to optimize their output. The management has role to plan on the allocation of the human and financial resources in the most convenient manner to maximize the output. To accomplish the stated objectives, planning will be necessary to guarantee that these objectives materialize. In the absence of planning, the organization will fail to achieve its goals, which is part of business failure. Hornby is one of the organizations that embarked on effective business planning to survive in the competitive toy industry (Thompson and Frank 140). The organization suffered from the forces of competition in the market until when it engaged in proper strategic planning. The organization set its goals, and planned on how to use its limited resources to attain its laid goals. Optimal utilization of resources and work planning ensured its survival. In this light, effective planning is a necessary competence for any organization. In the contemporary business environment, business design is the process of configuring structures, processes, systems and people practices in such a manner that all business strategies are accomplished. The process of business design is complex and managers should prepare to face challenges as they develop their strategic plan within the organizations. The changes evident in today’s business structures poses new challenges to the management team while implementing their design decisions. One of the challenges that face organization managers while conducting business design is complexity of organizational roles. In the organizations role, the managers aim at matching the employee with their most

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Article Critique Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Article Critique - Assignment Example The use of DDT, however, is heavily regulated under the World Health Organization’s Position Statement on DDT and the agreement named Stockholm Convention of Persistent Organic Pollutants. These documents allow the use of DDT only for Indoor Residual Spraying and that too until equally effective and affordable alternatives are developed. DDT has 6 to 12 months effectiveness when sprayed on walls and ceilings of homes. This is the longest residual life of any insecticide. Apart from that, DDT casts irritant effect on disease vectors creating strong spatial repellency and reducing human - vector contact significantly. This results in mosquitos feeding off at far off places outside the houses, thereby tremendously hampering the transmission of the disease in human population (WHO). Moreover, the cheapness of the chemical and ease of its use have made it a hit over the years. But, in opposition to all the above mentioned benefits of DDT, there have been bundles and bundles of stud ies carried out by critics, highlighting its human health and environmental harms. A human can get exposure to DDT through a number of ways; from eating foods that were sprayed by it, in-taking contaminated air or water, breast feeding by an exposed mother, or simply by breathing or swallowing soil particles from areas that were DDT sprayed. In response to its exposure, among the many harms that have been discovered, the most frequently reported ones are breast cancer, diabetes, brain damage, genital birth defects and reduced fertility. All these effects can be attributed to the high chemical stability of DDT in the four phases of disposition of its toxicity i.e., absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion. The chemical has the quality of accumulating in the environment through cells of exposed organisms and organic food chains, which is primarily the reason why its toxicity lingers on and shows after effects in sprayed areas till long after. From the look of things, the dra wbacks of DDT seem to considerably outweigh its benefits, but it is interesting to find out after profound research, that almost all the studies that report potential harms from the use of DDT are either weak or contradictory to each other. This can be proven both through scientific research and the numerical data from plagued areas. A recent paper compiled under co-authorship of a senior officer of Uganda’s Malaria control program found only average concentrations of plasma DDT/DDE (77ppb) in the spray team after a continuous six months of IRS with the chemical (Bismenya et al.). Similarly, new information on increased levels of accumulation in human milk and exposures to DDT was evaluated in 2010 by WHO expert consultation. The reported levels were concluded to be below level of concern of human health (WHO). A lot of the times, studies have been conducted on laboratory animals and the effects found on them have been generalized on human beings without proper confirmation. WHO then analyzed epidemiological data and found no support for these findings in humans in 2007. Adding further to the support of use of DDT are the actual cases and data from the strongly affected countries. In Sri Lanka, use of DDT had reduced malaria cases from 2.8 million in 1948 to 17 in 1963. After spraying was banned in the next decade, malaria

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Plastic Recycling Essay Example for Free

Plastic Recycling Essay Due to increased the high residence time in the environment, old and used plastics require recycling to not only ensure clean and healthy environment, but also maximize the resource utility. Sorting/ separation is one of the most important stage in the recycling process as it differentiates the plastics from other materials and categorize it into various forms. Depending on the origin of the plastic materials, the sorting process is made easier especially if there was initial separation at the source where plastics are put in different containers from the others types of wastes. Physical sorting method According to Plunket (2005), this separation method involves use of the visible and physical characteristics of the plastics to remove them from other waste materials or separate different types of plastics. This method is labor intensive as it requires manual inspection through product recognition, color and shape of the materials for the plastic being sorted. Many of the American companies make their products in specific plastic shapes and color therefore making it easy to sort and recycle their plastics from the waste stream. Floating mechanism is increasingly being employed by different recycling plants to separate high and low density plastics depending on weight characteristics (Harper, (2006). Besides, the separating centrifuge is also employed to separate the plastics on the basis of their weight on the high speed rotating drums. According to Nigel (2004), physical sorting process is cost effective in that there is minimal capital investment as the method uses staff and low cost investment machines to sort out the plastics. Unlike in the automated method, there is no need of highly skilled manpower and technology in the process thereby reducing the cost of operation with a great margin. The method is highly suitable for small scale recycling process where the quantity of the plastic to be separated is generally low. However, this method can lead to inaccurate identification and separation due to human error. Types and the speed of separation in the process are highly limited since human beings employ only one visual mode in the identification process. Besides, complications arise when different companies use similar shapes for packaging their products thereby creating confusion and making the companys objective to recycle its plastics be highly compromised. To add to that, the process is highly manual requiring a lot of staff for effective completion which greatly reduces the ability and therefore ineficiency to sort the plastics (Tietenberg Henk, 2006). Plunket (2005) argues that, physical method of sorting plastics is highly uneconomical especially for separating large scale quantities of plastics due to the requirements of large staff numbers at any moment. The quantity of plastics that can be sorted at any moment using the physical method is very limited compared to the automated method. Due to the above inefficiencies, the amount of plastics sorted and recycled is low and therefore not cost effective for recycling companies or the municipal authorities who have large quantities of plastics to be separated. Besides, the method do not guarantee the efficiency required for different plastics to effectively be sorted out. This inefficiency may compromise the products made from the recycled materials at the end of the process (Harper, 2006). Automated sorting method This method employs various auto-separation systems which use sensors in establishing the chemical as well as the physical properties of the plastics to be separated (Tietenberg Henk, 2006). Use of x-rays method of automated separation involves employing the radiation which detects the chlorine elements that are found in the Polyvinyl Chlorides (PVC). This method is highly effective for the plastics that contain PVC but limited in application since it cannot be applied on other plastics. Then, the modern infrared method analysis is being applied on a large scale basis to detect as well as separate plastics of multiple characteristics in their composition. Infrared rays are quantified and categorized on the basis of the characteristics of the specific plastic element type that is needed from the waste stream (Myer, 2007). To add to that, optical scanning is also being used by different industries all over the world where the plastics are separated on the basis of their pigment coloration. It ensures uniformity in the separation process and increases efficiency in the specific separation processes. Automated separation methods have also been effectively applied to separate general plastics from the waste mainstream depending on their main or individual characteristics like High Density Polythrene, Pollythylene Telephthalate and Polypropane. The main advantage of this method is that it is highly effective and the quantities of the plastics that can be sorted at any one moment is very high. Myer (2007) notes that, different types of plastics are also easily recycled as the machine error is highly reduced compared to the high human error in the mechanical system. Also, the method is less labor intensive as it employs the modern technology in enhancing efficiency of the work done. However, the method requires high capital investment to install and operationalize the whole system. Protective equipments for the radiations add to the external costs for the people who work and operate the machines. Infrared and x-ray generating machines require specialized experts to operate thus increasing the overhead cost to a very large extent. Besides, there are high hazard risk levels for the people operating with these machines due to exposure on the dangerous radiations of x-rays and high infrared levels (Nigel, 2004). Though the initial cost of machines installation is relatively high, this method is highly cost-effective in the 21st century due to the increasing need for faster plastic sorting and recycling. It is a great tool for conserving the environment and maximizing the resources utility. The quantity of the plastics that can be sorted out at any moment being very high, then the method ensures that the remaining process and eventual processing into finished products receives enough and correct materials. Conclusion. Sorting as indicated earlier, is one of the most important steps in the recycling process as it makes the remaining processes easier and more effective in their application. It captures the plastic materials either from an integrated mixture in the waste stream or from assorted plastic mixtures therefore making it possible to use the material for further other products development. Automated method is thus more cost effective in sorting the plastics due to its high efficiency in dealing with bulk wastes at any particular moment. As the world consumption patters continue changing year after year, the levels of the plastic wastes are bound to increase in the environment and the most cost effective method of sorting this waste should be adopted (Plunket, 2005). Automated method should be adopted by all the municipal authorities, recycling commercial industries and individual industries which recycle their own wastes as it ensures long term cost effectiveness.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Long Distance Relationships Essay example -- essays research papers

Long Distance Relationships Relationships have been around since the beginning of mankind. There are many goals in life that people pursue and having a soul mate is one of them. One type of relationship that is practiced most among teenagers is long distance relationships. Due to the fact that so many teenagers fall in love so quickly and are immature, they will not let go of partners even though they may have to separate. Many people find it difficult to stay in one relationship for a very long time yet alone a long distance relationship. Long distance relationships in my view are the hardest to keep intact than any other types of relationships. Whether its interracial or interfaith relationships, it is a proven fact that the most difficult relationship to keep from falling apart are the...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Ariel and Caliban Essay

   It could be suggested that every time he retells Ariel’s history, he must increase both the persuasiveness of his own story and his control over Ariel. This is why he now chooses to claim that Ariel is behaving badly, so that he can justify a retelling of the history even though Ariel is perfectly respectable in his approach towards Prospero. Even though he reminds Ariel of the misery that was suffered whilst in the pine tree, (â€Å"Thy groans† â€Å"Did make wolves howl†) He counteracts his own good deeds with a forceful display of his own magical power, threatening to trap Ariel up in the tree like the witch, Sycorax did. Prospero exercises control both physically and intellectually by controlling the way Ariel and Miranda think about their lives, he makes it very difficult for them to imagine that challenging his authority would be a good thing to do, and by after threatening Ariel (and Caliban in proceeding lines) which magical torture he makes the idea unattractive thus resulting in Ariel promising to â€Å"do my spiriting gently. † It is at this point worth outlining the character of Caliban and some possible links with Ariel. Caliban is Prospero’s earthly slave, often referred to as a monster by the other characters, he is the son of a witch hag and the only real native to the island. In his first speech to Prospero, Caliban insists that Prospero stole the island from him. It could be suggested that Calibans situation is much the same as Prospero’s, as his brother usurped his own kingdom in the same way that Prospero has stolen the island from Caliban. Similarly, Caliban’s desire for rulership of the island mirrors the lust for power which led Antonio to overthrow Prospero. From this, again, we see the callous side of Prospero thus confirming our interpretations which were formed from rhetoric between Prospero to Miranda and Ariel. â€Å"Thou poisonous slave, got by the devil himself upon thy wicked dam; come forth† This is very direct, and commanding towards Caliban. From dialogue between Prospero and Caliban it is evident that Caliban somewhat despises Prospero and whilst bound to slavery he’s completely reluctant to carry out the tasks that Prospero is commanding of him. â€Å"A South-west blow on ye, and blister you all o’er† We again see a threatening side of Prospero when he threatens to give Caliban cramps. â€Å"To night thou shalt have cramps. † Caliban expresses his disapproval at this point again, and reminds Prospero that he showed him round the island when he first arrived that belonged to himself. Then much like Prospero did with Ariel, he accuses Caliban of being ungrateful for the good deeds that Prospero has done for him. After much dialogue between Prospero and Caliban, Shakespeare delivers us with a key line from Caliban. â€Å"You taught me language, and my profit on it Is, I know how to curse: the red plague rid you for learning me your language† Firstly, this shows us that human nature teaches Caliban to be observant, as he is cunningly noting that he only knows how to curse because Prospero taught him how to speak. However, it could be suggested that this has a deeper meaning and is centred around one of the main themes present in â€Å"The Tempest. â€Å"- Colonialism. The quotation shows part of the relationship between the colonized (Caliban,) and the colonizer, (Prospero. ) It is here, that the relationship between these two parties can be explored. Caliban sees Prospero as simply oppressive whilst on the other hand, Prospero claims that he has cared for and educated Caliban. However, as the key quotation suggests during this so called education and colonization, problems do arise, and it is at this stage where the colonizer and the colonized see and value the human language as two separate entities. Prospero sees language as a form of knowing oneself and considers it to be valuable tool, however Caliban is showing nothing but curse and resentment for this precious gift that has been given to him. In light of the character of Caliban that is displayed to us in rhetoric between himself and Prospero, there is a contrast in character when Caliban is engaging with Stephano in 2. 2. In this section of the play we are provided with Caliban’s act of charity through colourful descriptive speeches about the island. â€Å"I’ll show thee the best springs: I’ll pluck thee berries. † â€Å"And I with my long nails will dig thee pig-nuts. † This shows Caliban being charitable towards Stephano, but perhaps more importantly – it confirms to us as an audience that Caliban does have extensive knowledge about the island, and did really occupy the island before he was overthrown by Prospero, possibly suggesting that his treatment by Prospero is unjust. It is quite clear from the play and this analysis that Prospero undoubtedly rules over both Caliban and Ariel, however the dynamics between these characters leaves potential for comparisons and contrasts, thus the first obvious one being the likeness of the two, as they both fall under Prospero’s authority. The next possible association for dissimilarity between Ariel and Caliban is that Caliban attempts to use language as a weapon against Prospero, just as Prospero uses it against Caliban. When Caliban admits he tried to rape Miranda instead of showing remorse, he says that he wishes he would have been able to finish the deed so that the island could have been â€Å"peopled with Calibans. † (1. 2) As highlighted previously, Caliban uses language as a tool against Prospero and has somewhat figured out that it could be a key to his freedom if he betters Prospero in one of their cursing matches, however Caliban only backs down because he fears Prosperos magic which he knows is so powerful. When Ariel re-enters in 1. 2 it creates an immediate and powerful change which shows the audience the stark contrasts between Ariel and Prospero. Whilst Caliban is coarse and resentful, described as a â€Å"Lying Slave† and â€Å"Poisonous,†, Ariel is delicate refined and gracious described as an â€Å"Airy Spirit. † This provides a striking contrast, as Ariel is not of the earth, whereas Caliban quite clearly is â€Å"of the earth. † Although the two both serve Prospero, Ariel serves him willingly, hopeful for his freedom, whilst Caliban resists serving him at all costs. It could be suggested that upon Prospero’s arrival on the island, he enslaved Caliban and freed the bright airy spirit, Ariel. It is at this point, worth referring to some historical context and some other interpretations upon the subject of colonialism. Many readers of â€Å"The Tempest† have interpreted it as an allegory about European colonialism which lends itself to Prospero’s treatment of Ariel and Caliban, this represents the disruptive nature of European colonization on native societies. Prospero’s colonization has left Caliban, the original owner of the island, subject to a life of slavery and hatred solely on account of his dark appearance. In conclusion, Caliban both mirrors and contrasts with Ariel. Ariel, is an airy spirit and Caliban is â€Å"of the earth† with speeches that reference closely to items of the earth such as pig-nuts and crabapples.   

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Legal Business Studyguide

Legal 2 Test 2 Studyguide Sole Proprietorships the simplest form of business organization. Sole proprietorships are the most common form of business organization in the US. Major advantages: * Forming a sole proprietorship is easy and does not cost a lot. * The owner has the right to make all management decisions concerning the business, including those involving hiring and firing employees. * The sole proprietor owns all of the business and has the right to receive all of the business’s profits. A sole proprietorship can be easily transferred or sold if and when the owner desires to do so; no other approval (such as from partners or shareholders) is necessary. Disadvantages: * The sole proprietor’s access to the capital is limited to personal funds plus any loans he or she can obtain * The sole proprietor is legally responsible for the business’s contracts and the torts he or she or any of his or her employees commit in the course of employment. Creating a sole proprietorship is easy. There are no formalities, and no federal or state government approval is required.A sole proprietor bears the risk of loss of the business. In addition, the sole proprietor has unlimited personal liability. Therefore, creditors may recover claims against the business from the sole proprietor’s personal assets (e. g. , home, automobile, bank accounts). A sole proprietorship is not a separate legal entity, so it does not pay taxes at the business level. Instead, the earnings and losses from a sole proprietorship are reported on the sole proprietor’s personal income tax filing. A sole proprietorship business earns income and pays expenses during the course of operating the business.A sole proprietor has to file tax returns and pay taxes to state and federal governments. For federal income tax purposes, a sole proprietor must prepare a personal income tax Form 1040 U. S. Individual Income Tax Return and report the income or loss from the sole propri etorship on his or her personal income tax form. The income or loss from the sole proprietorship is reported on Schedule C (Profit or Loss from Business), which must be attached to the taxpayer’s Form 1040. Vernon v. Schuster The father dies and the son takes over the sole proprietorship. Vernon had a warranty while the father was alive, and he warranty was broken because the product had failed so he wanted money from the son who took over the job. The court ruled that the son had formed a new sole proprietorship and was not liable for his father’s warranty. Partnerships a voluntary association of two or more persons for carrying on a business as co-owners for profit. Partners are personally liable for the debts and obligations of the partnership. Formation four criteria to qualify as a general partnership: * As association of two or more persons * Carrying on a business * As co-owners * For profitAn agreement to share losses of a business is strong evidence of a gener al partnership. It is compelling evidence of the existence of a general partnership if a person is given the right to share in profits, losses, and management of a business. A limited partnership agreement may specify how profits and losses from the limited partnership are to be allocated among the general and limited partners. General partnerships do not pay deferral income taxes. Instead, the income and losses of partnership flow onto and have to be reported on the individual partners’ personal income tax returns. This is called â€Å"flow-through† taxation.A new partner in a general partnership takes on all of the liabilities and responsibilities that the original partners have. Zuckerman v. Antenucci A woman’s child was born with severe physical problems. During her pregnancy, she was treated by Dr. Pena and Dr. Antenucci. She brought a medical malpractice suit against both doctors. The jury (trial court) found that Pena was guilty of medical malpractice but Antenucci was not. The Supreme Court found both doctors to be dually liable. Limited Partnerships a type of partnership that has two types of partners: (1) general partners and (2) limited partners.Two types of partners: * General partners partners in a limited partnership who invest capital, manage the business, and are personally liable or partnership debts. * Limited partners partners in a limited partnership who invest capital but do not participate in management and are not personally liable for partnership debts beyond their capital contributions. Once a limited partnership has been formed, a new limited partner can be added only upon the written consent of all partners, unless the limited partnership agreement provides otherwise.New general partners can be admitted only with the specific written consent of each partner. Uniform Partnership Act In 1914, the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws promulgated the UPA. The UPA codifies general partnership law . Its goal was to establish consistent partnership law that was uniform throughout the US and has been adopted by 48 states. Fictitious names A general partnership must file a fictitious business name statement –d. b. a. (doing business as) –with the appropriate government agency to operate under a trade name. Kemmier Memorial Foundation v.Mitchell Davis and Mitchell formed a general partnership to purchase and operate rental properties for investment purposes. They entered into an agreement that provided that only Davis, and not Mitchell, would be personally liable on the note to the Foundation. They did not inform the Foundation of this agreement. They defaulted on a note, so the Foundation sued the partnership and both partners to recover on the note. The Supreme Court of Ohio held that both partners were jointly liable on the note. Corporations the most dominant form of business organization in the US, generating over 85 percent of the country’s gross busine ss receipts.Owners of corporations are called shareholders. Incorporation select a state, select a corporate name, incorporators, pre-incorporation contracts, articles of incorporation, purpose of a corporation, registered agent (often attorneys), corporate bylaws, corporate seal, organizational meeting of the board of directors. Purpose of a Corporation: * General-purpose clause allows the corporation to engage in any activity permitted by law * Limited-purpose clause stipulates the specific purposes and activities that the corporation can engage in. Shareholders have only limited liability.They are liable only to the extent of their capital contributions and do not have personal liability for the corporation’s debts and obligations. Nature of the corporation: * Separate â€Å"legal entity† for most purposes * Limited liability of shareholders * Free transferability of shares * Perpetual existence * Centralized management * Double taxation Nonprofit Corporation formed for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes. Although nonprofit corporations may make a profit, they are prohibited by law from distributing this profit to their members, directors, or officers.The Model Nonprofit Corporation Act, which governs the formation, operation, and termination of nonprofit corporations. Professional Corporation a corporation formed by lawyer, doctors, or other professionals. Promoter a person or persons who organize and start a corporation, negotiate and enter into contracts in advance of its formation, find the initial investors to finance the corporation, and so forth. Registered Agents a person or corporation that is empoyered to accept service of process on behalf of a corporation.Incorporator the person or persons, partnerships, or corporations that are responsible for incorporation of a corporation. Bylaws a detailed set of rules adopted by the board of directors after a corporation is incorporated that contains provisions for mana ging the business and the affairs of the corporation. Organizational Meeting a meeting that must be held by the initial directors of a corporation after the articles of incorporation are filled. Articles of Incorporation the basic governing document of a corporation.It must be drafted and filed with, and approved by, the state before the corporation can be officially incorporated. Must include: * The name of the corporation * The number of share the corporation is authorized to issue * The address of the corporation’s initial registered office and the name of the initial registered agent. * The name and address of each incorporator Debt securities securities that establish a debtor-creditor relationship in which the corporation borrows money from the investor to whom a debt security is issued.Notice of a Shareholders’ Meeting A corporation is required to give the shareholders written notice of the place, day, and time of annual and special meetings. For a special meeti ng, the purpose of the meeting must also be stated. Only matters stated in the notice of a shareholders’ meeting can be considered at the meeting. Special Shareholders’ Meetings Meetings of shareholders that may be called to consider and vote on important or emergency issues, such as a proposed merger or amending the articles of incorporation.Proxy a shareholder’s authorizing of another person to vote the shareholder’s shares at the shareholders’ meetings in the event of the shareholder’s absence. Quorum required number of individuals that must be represented for voting, meetings, etc. Record Dates a date specified in corporate bylaws that determines whether a shareholder may vote at a shareholders’ meeting. Cumulative Voting a system in which a shareholder can accumulate all of his or her votes and vote them all for one candidate or split them among several candidates.Straight Voting a system in which each shareholder votes the numbe r of shares he or she owns on candidates for each of the positions open; also called noncumulative voting. Supramajority Voting Requirement a requirement that a greater than majority of shares constitutes a quorum of the vote of the shareholders. Voting Trust an arrangement in which the shareholders transfer their stock certificates to a trustee who is empowered to vote the shares. Voting Agreement an agreement between two or more shareholders that stipulates how they will vote their shares.Right of First Refusal an agreement that requires a selling shareholder to offer his or her shares for sale to the other parties to the agreement before selling them to anyone else. Preemption rights that give existing shareholders the option of subscribing to new shares being issued in proportion to their current ownership interests. Dividends a distribution of profits of the corporation to shareholders. Derivative Lawsuit a lawsuit a shareholder brings against an offending party on behalf of a corporation when the corporation fails to bring the lawsuit. It’s also called a derivative action.Management of a Corporation * Shareholders Owners of the corporation. They vote on the directors and other major actions to be taken by the corporation. * Board of Directors Elected by the shareholders. Directors are responsible for making policy decisions and employing the major officers for the corporation. The board may initiate certain actions that require shareholders’ approval. * Officers Officers are responsible for the day-to-day operation of the corporation, including acting as agents for the corporation, hiring other officers and employees, and the like.Duty of Obedience a duty that directors and officers of a corporation have to act within the authority conferred upon them by state corporation codes, the articles of incorporation, the corporate bylaws, and the resolutions adopted by the board of directors. Fiduciary Duties the duties of obedience, care, and loya lty owed by directors and officers to their corporation and its shareholders. Duty of Care a duty of corporate directors and officers to use care and diligence when acting on behalf of the corporation.Duty of Loyalty a duty that directors and officers have not to act adversely to the interests of the corporation and to subordinate their personal interests to those of the corporation and its shareholders. Proxy Contest a contest in which opposing factions of shareholders and managers solicit proxies from other shareholders; the side that receives the greatest number of votes wins the proxy contest. Merger a situation in which one corporation is absorbed into another corporation and ceases to exist. They become a similar corporation. If it is a consolidation, the two companies form into a completely different corporation.Appraisal Rights the rights of shareholders who object to a proposed merger, share exchange, or sale or lease of all or substantially all of the property of a corpora tion to have their shares valued by the court and receive cash payment of this value from the corporation. Proxy Statement a document that fully describes (1) the matter for which a proxy is being solicited, (2) who is soliciting the proxy, and (3) any other pertinent information. Share Exchange a situation in which one corporation acquires all the shares of another corporation and both corporations retain their separate legal existence.Tender Offer an offer that an acquirer makes directly to a target corporation’s shareholders in an effort to acquire the target corporation. The shareholders each make an individual decision about whether to sell their shares to the tender offeror. Such offers are often referred to as hostile tender offers. Short-form Merger a merger between a parent corporation and a subsidiary corporation that does not require the approval of the shareholders of either corporation or the approval of the board of directors of the subsidiary corporations.Willi ams Act an amendment to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 made in 1968 that specifically regulates tender offers. Severance for Executives after retiring or being removed from a company, they’re given a package. â€Å"Golden parachute† Section 14(a) a provision of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 that gives the SEC the authority to regulate the solicitation of proxies. Antitakeover Statutes statutes enacted by a state legislature that protect against the hostile takeover of corporations incorporated in or doing business in the state.Poison Pills defensive strategies that are built into the target corporation’s articles of incorporation, corporate bylaws, or contracts and leases. These tactics make the target corporation more expensive to the tender offeror. White Knight Merger mergers with friendly parties—that is, parties that promise to leave the target corporation and/or its management intact. Greenmail the purchase by a target corporation of its stock from an actual or perceived tender offeror at a premium.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Fidel Castro Biographical Profile

Fidel Castro Biographical Profile Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz (1926–2016) was a Cuban lawyer, revolutionary, and politician. He was the central figure in the Cuban Revolution (1956-1959), which removed dictator Fulgencio Batista from power and replaced him with a communist regime friendly to the Soviet Union. For decades, he defied the United States, which tried to assassinate or replace him countless times. A controversial figure, many Cubans consider him a monster who destroyed Cuba, while others consider him a visionary who saved their nation from the horrors of capitalism. Early Years Fidel Castro was one of the  several illegitimate children born to middle-class sugar farmer Angel Castro y Argà ­z and his household maid, Lina Ruz Gonzlez. Castro’s father eventually divorced his wife and married Lina, but young Fidel still grew up with the stigma of being illegitimate. He was given his fathers last name at age 17 and had the benefits of being raised in a wealthy household. He was a talented student, educated at Jesuit boarding schools, and decided to pursue a career in law, entering the University of Havana Law School in 1945. While in school, he became increasingly involved in politics, joining the Orthodox Party, which was in favor of drastic government reform to reduce corruption. Personal Life Castro married Mirta  Dà ­az Balart in 1948. She came from a wealthy and politically-connected family. They had one child and divorced in 1955. Later in life, he married Dalia Soto del Valle in 1980 and had five more children. He had several other children outside of his marriages, including Alina Fernndez, who escaped Cuba to Spain using false papers and then lived in Miami where she criticized the Cuban government. Revolution Brewing in Cuba When Batista, who had been president in the early 1940s, abruptly seized power in 1952, Castro became even more politicized. Castro, as a lawyer, tried to mount a legal challenge to Batista’s reign, demonstrating that the Cuban Constitution had been violated by his power grab. When Cuban courts refused to hear the petition, Castro decided that legal assaults on Batista would never work: if he wanted change, he would have to use other means. Attack on the Moncada Barracks The charismatic Castro began drawing converts to his cause, including his brother Raà ºl. Together, they acquired weapons and began organizing an assault on the military barracks at Moncada. They attacked on July 26, 1953, the day after a festival, hoping to catch the soldiers still drunk or hung over. Once the barracks were captured, there would be enough weapons to mount a full-scale insurgency. Unfortunately for Castro, the attack failed: most of the 160 or so rebels were killed, either in the initial assault or in government prisons later. Fidel and his brother Raul were captured. History Will Absolve Me Castro led his own defense, using his public trial as a platform to bring his argument to the people of Cuba. He wrote an impassioned defense for his actions and smuggled it out of prison. While on trial, he uttered his famous slogan: â€Å"History will absolve me.† He was sentenced to death, but when the death penalty was abolished, his sentence was changed to 15 years imprisonment. In 1955, Batista came under increasing political pressure to reform his dictatorship, and he freed a number of political prisoners, including Castro. Mexico The newly-freed Castro went to Mexico, where he made contact with other Cuban exiles eager to overthrow Batista. He founded the 26th of July Movement and began making plans for a return to Cuba. While in Mexico, he met Ernesto â€Å"Chà ©Ã¢â‚¬  Guevara and Camilo Cienfuegos, who were destined to play important roles in the Cuban Revolution. The rebels acquired weapons and trained and coordinated their return with fellow insurgents in Cuban cities. On November 25, 1956, 82 members of the movement boarded the yacht Granma and set sail for Cuba, arriving on December 2. Back in Cuba The Granma force was detected and ambushed, and many of the rebels were killed. Castro and the other leaders survived, however, and made it to the mountains in southern Cuba. They remained there for a while, attacking government forces and installations and organizing resistance cells in cities across Cuba. The movement slowly but surely gained in strength, especially as the dictatorship cracked down further on the populace. Castros Revolution Succeeds In May of 1958, Batista launched a massive campaign aimed at ending the rebellion once and for all. It backfired, however, as Castro and his forces scored a number of unlikely victories over Batista’s forces, which led to mass desertions in the army. By the end of 1958, the rebels were able to go on the offensive, and columns led by Castro, Cienfuegos and Guevara captured major towns. On January 1, 1959, Batista spooked and fled the country. On January 8, 1959, Castro and his men marched into Havana in triumph. Cubas Communist Regime Castro soon implemented a Soviet-style communist regime in Cuba, much to the dismay of the United States. This led to decades of conflict between Cuba and the USA, including such incidents as the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Mariel boatlift. Castro survived countless assassination attempts, some of them crude, some quite clever. Cuba was placed under an economic embargo, which had serious effects on the Cuban economy. In February of 2008 Castro resigned from duties as President, although he remained active in the communist party. He died on November 25, 2016, at the age of 90. Legacy Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution have had a profound effect on worldwide politics since 1959. His revolution inspired many attempts at imitation and revolutions broke out in nations such as Nicaragua, El Salvador, Bolivia and more. In southern South America, a whole crop of insurgencies sprang up in the 1960s and 1970s, including the Tupamaros in Uruguay, the MIR in Chile and the Montoneros in Argentina, just to name a few. Operation Condor, a collaboration of military governments in South America, was organized to destroy these groups, all of which hoped to incite the next Cuban-style Revolution in their home nations. Cuba aided many of these insurgent groups with weapons and training. While some were inspired by Castro and his revolution, others were aghast. Many politicians in the United States saw the Cuban Revolution as a dangerous â€Å"toehold† for communism in the Americas, and billions of dollars were spent propping up right-wing governments in places like Chile and Guatemala. Dictators such as Chile’s Augusto Pinochet were gross violators of human rights in their countries, but they were effective in keeping Cuban-style revolutions from taking over. Many Cubans, particularly those in the middle and upper classes, fled Cuba shortly after the revolution. These Cuban emigrants generally despise Castro and his revolution. Many fled because they feared the crackdown that followed Castro’s conversion of the Cuban state and economy to communism. As part of the transition to communism, many private companies and lands were confiscated by the government. Over the years, Castro maintained his grip on Cuban politics. He never gave up on communism even after the fall of the Soviet Union, which supported Cuba with money and food for decades. Cuba is a genuine communist state where the people share labor and rewards, but it has come at the cost of privation, corruption, and repression. Many Cubans fled the nation, many taking to the sea in leaky rafts hoping to make it to Florida. Castro once uttered the famous phrase: â€Å"History will absolve me.† The jury is still out on Fidel Castro, and history may absolve him and may curse him. Either way, what is certain is that history will not forget him anytime soon. Sources: Castaà ±eda, Jorge C. Compaà ±ero: the Life and Death of Che Guevara.  New York: Vintage Books, 1997. Coltman, Leycester. The Real Fidel Castro. New Haven and London: the Yale University Press, 2003.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Business Ethics And Globalization : Business Essay -- Business ethics, E

In recent years many policy makers, business executives, and economists have argued for the necessity of global business in promoting economic development and reducing world poverty. "Multinational corporations, the world trade organization, the G8 summit and various international financial institutions are supposed to advance free trade and promote economic development for the people of various participating countries, including those who are less developed" (Ho, 2004) In a number of different ways the increased globalization of the economies of the United States, Western Europe, and Japan is making business practices more uniform. The structure and organization of firms, manufacturing technologies, the social organization of production, customer relations, product development, and marketing are all becoming increasingly similar throughout the advanced industrial economies. â€Å"One might logically think that a similar trend would be taking place with respect to the principles and practices of business ethics, however this is not the case† (Vogel, 1992). Despite the advances made in the way the world conducts business, business ethics has not yet globalized; the norms of ethical behavior continue to vary widely from country to the next. During the last decade, highly publicized incidents of misconduct on the part of business managers have occurred in virtually every major industrial economy of the world, as well as nearly every industrial nation in the world. Globalization will continue to be a challenge to business ethics because globalization reduces the amount of discretion that both individuals and business organizations have in making business decisions. Globalization also brings increased compeaspects of management course. The authors found that after the students took that course "there was a statistically significant change in perceptions that suggest that knowledge of the law can prompt managers to become more legally compliant and more socially responsible" (Bagley, Clarkson, Power, 2010) Similarly, the authors of Ethic Perception: Does Teaching Make a Difference found in a study of three hundred and forty undergraduate business students that learning in ethical judgement will lead the students to more ethical intentions (Nguyen, Basuray, Smith, Kopka, McCulloh, 2008). These findings suggest that students should be required to attend an ethics course as part of a business curriculum, that way when presented with real life situations of ethical ambiguity the students will be better equipped to make the correct choice. Business Ethics Implementation

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Assessment of Technology centric Strategies for information security Essay

Assessment of Technology centric Strategies for information security in an organization - Essay Example It is a "best practices" strategy in that it relies on the intelligent application of techniques and technologies that exist today. The strategy recommends a balance between the protection capability and cost, performance, and operational considerations." [National Security Agency] Fahey (2004) graduated from the SANS GSEC course and uses their systematic approach to addressing risk through defense in depth. The SANS approach promulgates an efficient and cost effective methodology for improving security. The organization for which he works already had a number of policies, each designed to address a multi-layered approach to IT security such as operations security, physical security and contingency and disaster recovery. Furthermore external security personnel routinely came to the organization to perform security audits. He was concerned that one area which had not been addressed was: "a systematic procedure designed to protect against electronic attacks from hackers. This was due in part to the false sense of security which comes from being behind a firewall and partly from a lack of experience in the information security field." (Fahey, 2004, p3) In putting together a Defense in Depth security policy one must consider the characteristics of one's adversary, the motivation behind an attack and the class of attack. An adversary may be anyone from a competitor to a hacker. They may be motivated by theft of intellectual property, denial of service or simply pride in bringing down a target. Classes of attack include passive or active monitoring of communications, identity theft or close-in attacks. Besides deliberate attacks there may also be inadvertent attacks on the system, such as fire, flood, power outages - and most frequently - user error. Information Assurance is achieved when information and information systems are protected against such attacks through the application of security services such as: Availability, Integrity, Authentication, Confidentiality, and Non-Repudiation. The application of these services should be based on the Protect, Detect, and React paradigm. This means that in addition to incorporating protection mechanisms, organizations need to expect attacks and include attack detection tools and procedures that allow them to react to and recover from these attacks. No system is perfectly secure, and it has been argued that no system needs to be. To achieve Information Assurance focus must be balanced on three elements: People, Technology and Operations. "Security goals have their own contradictions because confidentiality, integrity, privacy, accountability, and recovery often conflict fundamentally. For example, accountability requires a strong audit trail and end-user authentication, which conflicts with privacy needs for user anonymity." (Sandhu 2004, page 3) Fahey's methodology for evaluating risk used the confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) approach which emphasizes the importance to the organization of a particular information asset. This approach focuses budget managers on the real threats to reputation and therefore the business' ability to survive against its competitors. Fahey focuses on 3 security risks in his article: passwords, policies and patches. Fahey's risk assessment relies heavily on SANS assessment of the top 20 risks for networks in 2003/4. This brings to light the